Waiting for spring...waiting and waiting...we went on a beautiful hike over the weekend and felt so upbeat and excited about seeing trees and grass and all that stuff and woke up the next morning to...6 inches of snow. Twas horrifying. Which quickly gave way to depression. We were so looking forward to getting things going in the garden and really just ending our months-long confinement due to this unforgiving weather. When all is said and done we will have had almost half our year under snow! In some parts of the world that's the norm I guess but for me--a Southern girl who never even saw snow until college--it was an exotic event that turned exhausting as of a month ago. So it was with a kind of desperate glee that I saw these glorious and adorable little sprouts unfurling their tiny green heads in our starter-garden thingy. Soon (pleasepleaseplease) these little guys will be lettuces, tomatoes, basil, parsley and spinach. All is not lost! Things are happening!!
And something else is also happening--
Yucky photo but exciting contents! These bags are filled with allllll my handmade shop goodies for the Womens' Co-op I'm a part of! It's called Bliss Co-op and I know I alluded to it a few times but it's my first time being in a shop and being part of a co-op and I'm happy and excited and all of it. Especially my inner hippy which has been sadly ignored the last few years in the acting universe.
I'm starting small--only a couple of shelves at first--and I'm setting it all up tomorrow, in time for our Grand Opening on April 1st! I'm terribly excited to meet the other ladies involved so I'll have pics of our party and my "area" which will contain goodies like these (can't wait to tell you more about them--proper post coming later)...
(Note the mushroom...)
...and approximately 800 other items all of which I made the last two weeks. So--an official "whew."
I know I haven't listed the hats yet--nor have we really been cooking too many exciting things--but that will change after April 1st. I've made a huge batch of vegetable soup, and other standards but some new and tasty ideas on the horizon (for example: the time has come to try Mug Cakes--thank you, Brendan.)
That's it for now. I think I need to go sit underneath a special light bulb or something. Or maybe wine. Or both!
I hope, hope, hope you're warm and cozy and happy wherever you are and that you know where to get full spectrum light bulbs and/or a tanning bed. Sigh.
Hahha sounds like Norway, where I live from:) So happy we had sun the last couple of weeks now, all the snow is melting.. Only hope it continues! It IS depressing when it starts snowing again!
Congrats with getting your stuff in a shop, sounds exciting!!:) Hmmm sitting with some of the same feeling myself, as I got the same kinda news only yesterday!
Posted by: Scary Mary | March 25, 2011 at 05:55 AM
how wonderful the dolls are lovely, being in a Coop sounds exciting! I too have been waiting for spring like weather which is unusal for me because normally I love the cold and rainy months and cherish them, not this year, spring can't come soon enough!
Posted by: Robin | March 25, 2011 at 06:24 PM
Congratulations on your new shop co-op! How lovely! Let the sunshine of your new ladyfriends and these little sprouts warm your wintery heart! Chin-up!
Posted by: Gina | March 29, 2011 at 05:12 AM