The delicious fruits of our labor have begun to come in! You can't see me but I'm squealing and jumping up and down and clapping! This is the first meal made using the veggies from our garden. I just can't get over that it actually works! That you plant seeds and in a minute, real things like radishes and snow peas and celery start to really happen. Mind-blowing. And of course, it tastes worlds away from what you get at the grocery store.
I saw this recipe a few months back and have thought about it a bunch since then. Finally, with these sweet little scallions ready to go, the timing was perfect--and it was utterly. Scrumptious. I know I say this every time but it is going to be my new go-to when I wonder what to cook for dinner. Light, so satisfying, healthy and would make great leftovers (which is why next time I'm going to quadruple the batch). It also cooked up super-fast, so it's a good idea to get everything chopped and ready to go. It took about 5 minutes, all told so you have to love that.
I made a few changes to Martha's recipe:
- I added some chopped asparagus since there were a few left in the garden. It was a good move. Not necessary, but delish.
- I doubled the garlic. Can't get enough.
- I added 1-2 TBS of soy sauce at the end and I kinda think that made it.
This summer has been a busy one for me so far--thus my absences from 'round these parts. Mr. Wood has started training for a new job that is keeping him in Virginia for a couple of months, so I'm here for kitty and garden duties, as well as auditions, and making frequent trips down south to be with him. Lots of comings and goings but I'm taking all my (hand) sewing and art projects on the train trips, and working on all my re-imaginings of thrifted goodies. A few of which I'm pretty excited about!
But tomorrow: a recipe for what is truly a staple around here--Lemon Quinoa. It's one of my favorite things in the world. And soooooo good for see you then!
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