Over Christmas, my mom and I were reminiscing about past Christmases and she asked me which one was my favorite in terms of what Santa brought me. And, boy, was it easy: the year I got my doll house. I was in first grade. In the morning we walked (ran) into the living room and there it was: a huge, light blue, completely decorated doll house. Probably 7 or 8 rooms--with little rugs, curtains, tiny silverware (!!), a tiny refrigerator, little paintings on the walls, all different kinds of wallpaper--I could totally go on and on and on. I remember every single detail in every single room. I will never forget the explosion in my heart when I saw it. It was loved. For many, many years.
I don't know if getting my doll house started my obsession with things in miniature or if that love was firmly in place upon its arrival but it's an important part of my personality: tiny things are awesome.
I have the clearest memories of entire catalogs of teeny tiny doll things that my childhood and then my teenage self just drooled over...oh my goodness. Does anybody else remember these catalogs? Of course it turns out there is an entire community on-line of "doll house people." There really is something for everyone...
And having that conversation with my mom put a bug in my brain that I just couldn't shake. And I brought that bug back home to New York...just thinking--how magical a doll house can be...
And I don't have a particular preference for a type of doll house; victorian or modern or whatever. I say yes to all of them. It's just the weirdness of a somewhat boring, everyday thing shrunk down in miniature that thrills me so much...
(All images are a result of googling images of doll houses on the interwebbies unless otherwise credited.)
Ideally I'd want an old one. And it would have to be wooden--definitely not plastic...
And guess what? I found one :) (!!!!)
Super-duper-crazy cheap. $20. Second hand. Old. The previous owner didn't quite finish building it...and there are missing pieces...but it's alllllll mine. I can't believe it.
(Mr. Wood is watching a poker competition on TV, by the way. I'm rebuilding an old doll house--making art, people!--and he's watching poker. Couldn't be more different, but it works ;)
Three feet tall. Three floors. Plus one secret little tower room (!!).
Here's my plan: to take my time and slowly, over the years if that's what it takes, make it as weird and artful and strange and fairy-tale-like as I can. To re-live my first doll house but as my grown-up self. To paint it, wall-paper it, collage it using my illustrations and other old papers, find little miss-matched furniture here and there and paint it/collage it...paint murals on the walls? Use my little broken dolls, channel a bit of Tim Burton here and there. Can't you just imagine? A crazy Gothic/Victorian/Vintage-Circus/Living Fairy Tale arty doll house? Little mushrooms sprouting from the floors...one room covered in my vintage buttons...My heart is beating fast as I type this!! (Nerd.) I haven't been this excited for a very long time. And I promise to show you little updates here and there. I've already ripped out all the old wall paper and linoleum flooring and glued/reassembled missing structural pieces. I think I'm also going to try using only found/second-hand stuff on the inside. Subject to change, of course.
AND. If it works--and of course it will!--find more old doll houses and re-work them, too. (Can't you just see a bunch of them in one room?) But for now--it's pure potential.
And look who else seems to agree with me?
Did any of you have a childhood doll house that you loved? I'm sure I'm not alone in this... And I'd just love to hear about them...we don't have to be weird-on-line-doll-house-people, either... :)
Have a lovely, lovely, cozy, creative Sunday!! xo
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